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Tag: graffiti

Banksy – Melbourne stole all the Aborigines pencils

Banksy – Melbourne stole all the Aborigines pencils

Interesting interview on Australian radio RACHAEL :Â British artist Banksy is quoted saying that Melbourne’s laneways were arguably Australia’s most significant contribution to the arts since they stole all the Aborigines pencils. Would you agree with a comment like that? TRACEY AVERY: I think part of Banksy‘s comment implies that what graffiti provides is a place for ordinary people to have a voice and that it’s a place where it’s not an art form that has to be recognised in…

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Banksy’s Fragile Silence on the move for £500,000

Banksy’s Fragile Silence on the move for £500,000

Banksy‘s latest work to go on sale is likely to move quickly – it’s on the side of a lorry trailer. Fragile Silence is likely to sell for £500,000. Owners Maeve Neal and Nathan Welland have known Banksy for 12 years .Banksy completed the work before the Glastonbury festival in 1998 .The couple sell tents at festivals all over the UK. The trailer has 2 bedrooms and is refrigerated .Norfolk dealer William Burroughs is selling the work. A wall featuring…

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Banksy not pursued by graffiti police

Banksy not pursued by graffiti police

Bristol is the first city in the country to get a police team dedicated to eradicating graffiti and dealing with the so-called “artists”. However Bristol’s most famous tagger Banksy seems to be exempt from prosecution Undercover officers are working round the clock to bring to book “taggers” The fact that officials are not removing art by the notorious spray painter Banksy from buildings around the city is sending out the wrong message, police say. They are also concerned that in…

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