The Kelpies pictures and gifts

The Kelpies pictures and gifts

 The Kelpies sculptures have become Scotland’s best known cultural landmark . The Kelpies gifts shop features Kelpies phone cases, jigsaw puzzles, stickers , greeting cards , t-shirts , prints and throw pillows .

Unfortunately the Kelpies are closed at the moment ( officially anyway ) but you can still take a virtual tour of them online. 

Explore the famous Kelpies , the Falkirk Wheel and Callendar House in Falkirk .


Book your Falkirk tours online

Tours start at 10 am .

Normal pickup point is Edinburgh city centre or the airport . Other pickup points can be arranged , subject to an additional fee .


  • 5 hour private tour group day trip around Falkirk
  • Explore the famous Kelpies , the Falkirk Wheel and Callendar House
  • Take in unique views of the historic Callendar House and Park
  • Travel by luxury car
  • Small private group tour with a maximum of 4 people

Our tour of Falkirk features a visit to the world famous Kelpies , the Falkirk Wheel and Callendar House.

We stop for an hour at each location .

The Kelpies sculptures were open to the public in April last year. An exhibition of local schools kids artwork celebrating The Kelpies and The John Muir Way were unveiled by Kelpie artist Andy Scott. 

 Glasgow artist Andy Scott designed the Kelpies, with construction work on the 300-tonne, 98ft (30m) steel figures starting in 2013.

The completion of the £5 million venture marked a significant stage in the £43 million Helix project, which aims to transform 865 acres of land between Falkirk and Grangemouth.

How long does it take to visit the Kelpies ?

I would recommend about an hour for visiting the Kelpies , take a walk around them , take a few selfies then a coffee at the visitor centre if it’s open then take a look at our online Kelpies gifts including phone cases, stickers , greeting cards , t-shirts , posters, prints and throw pillows

What is the story behind the Kelpies ?

The Kelpies are a tribute to the Clydesdale horses used to pull barges along the canals of Scotland in the 19th century. The Kelpies are the largest equine sculptures in the world . Each one is 100 feet high and made from 300 tonnes of steel . The Kelpies gifts shop features Kelpies phone cases, stickers , greeting cards , t-shirts , prints and throw pillows .

what Kelpies gifts are available ?

The Kelpies gifts shop features Kelpies phone cases, jigsaw puzzles, stickers , greeting cards , t-shirts , prints and throw pillows .

The Kelpies Falkirk , Scotland canvas prints and gifts

Kelpies tours

Check out our original artwork –  Kelpies prints collection including canvas prints  of the Kelpies at night and  travel mugs

the Kelpies jigsaw puzzles , , Helix park, Falkirk HDR
The Kelpies sculptures are the largest works of artwork  in Scotland, and the largest equine sculptures in the world.

The The Kelpies prints gift shop has t-shirts , canvas prints jigsaw puzzles and  hoodies

Kelpies travel mugs


  • Your personal mobile caffeination and art delivery unit
  • Insulated stainless steel with removable polycarbonate lid
  • Holds 15 oz. (443 ml)
  • Base fits in most standard car cup holders (diameter 2.5″ / 6.35 cm)
  • Top rack dishwasher-safe
  • Wraparound design printed for you when you order

The Kelpies are the largest pieces of equine art in the world , created by Scottish artist Andy Scott. The most successful Scottish artist of all time is Jack Vettriano .

The Kelpies Falkirk tours  are available now – visit the Kelpies , the Falkirk Wheel and Callendar House on your own private tour of Falkirk

Visit the Kelpies Falkirk , Scotland

Looking for things to do in Falkirk ? Why not take the Kelpies Falkirk tour and visit these unique attractions ?

The Kelpies, Stirling Castle and the Falkirk Wheel  feature in this tour .

The Kelpies have become one of the top tourist attractions in Scotland with over  three million visitors in its 10 year history . The Kelpies have their 10 year anniversary next week .

Buy our original artwork prints of Scotland

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